dkSez : : : : : : Don Kahle's blog

Quips, queries, and querulous quibbles from the quirky mind of Don Kahle

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Week 42, #2

October 16th, 2007 by dk

It’s a tale of two cities. Springfield and Eugene. Springfield wants to move fast and fix it later. Eugene wants to go slow and get it right the first time. Is one strategy better than another? Hard to say. Apex is not returning phone calls from Springfield, after receiving the economic analysis that warned it may be a long slow slog to revitalize Glenwood. And then there’s Springfield’s downtown. They want to turn things around down there, but what can they do to reverse the slide, not that it’s become home to several topless bars? They could plop a public school in the center, which would require the adult-only businesses to move, but short of that, they’ll have to buy out leases or just hope for the best. Eugene’s downtown has not yet gotten to that point, but chances are it could, if something isn’t done soon.

* * *

One of these four ideas will be developed into a column on Wednesday to be published in The Register-Guard on Friday. I’m asking you to help me choose between them. Between now and the end of Tuesday, leave comments here or send me an e-mail if you’d rather be more private. Or, at the very least, RATE the idea (and the others) so I know which one people like best. No promises, though. This ain’t American Idol. But I will post an entry on Wednesday to say which one I’m choosing (and probably why.) I plan to do this each week — often by Friday, but always by Monday, so visit often and tell me which idea intrigues you the most. Thanks!

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