dkSez : : : : : : Don Kahle's blog

Quips, queries, and querulous quibbles from the quirky mind of Don Kahle

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RG07 if logic ruled for a hospital siting

February 15th, 2008 by dk

There are a whole bunch of reasons why 2nd & Chambers is the smartest place for McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center to locate. Of course, we’ve learned that these things aren’t always logical and often are far from it. But it did seem like a case worth making, if only to point out how these decisions are made using so much more (or less) than logic. An early draft included some inside scoop about one particular city councilor who tried unsuccessfully to demonstrate the bona fides of the site several years ago, but I took those references out because I thought they might distract from the “logic” of the location. Sometimes I want to pour everything I have on a topic out on the table, just to empty the bin. But that’s selfish. I am usually able to sift out the “details” that aren’t really central to the issue at hand. At least I hope so!

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