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Quips, queries, and querulous quibbles from the quirky mind of Don Kahle

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RG05.2 City manager questions

January 28th, 2008 by dk

This weekend the three finalists to become Eugene’s next city manager will be in town to answer questions, first from a citizen panel selected by the mayor and the councilors, and then from the city councilors themselves. I’m fortunate to be in the former group. (I’m doubly fortunate NOT to be in the latter group, but never mind.) So here’s the question to each of you. If you could ask any question of the potential city managers, what would that question be? (I may try to assemble the suggestions into a column. And I may take the best suggested question and make it my own. We’re only allowed one, according to the procedure that’s been designed.) So far, here’s the best I’ve come up with: “As a candidate for employment, you are still an outsider. Tell us one thing you believe to be true about Eugene and/or its government that you wouldn’t dare say for the first time after you’ve been hired and become an ‘insider.'”

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  • 1 Jennymoose Jan 30, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Eugene is irreconcilably divided politically. Most “progressive” voters [and thus their representatives on the City Council] live south of the Willamette and east of Chambers. Most “conservative” voters live north of the river and west of Chambers. Rather than get caught, as the last several City Managers have, in the buzzsaw of these conflicting world views, would you support bifurcating Eugene, and “spinning off” the north/west half, either as a seperate city or to be annexed to Springfield