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RG02.4 a Congressional comeuppance

January 7th, 2008 by dk

If Congress would like to do something this spring that is forward-looking, populist-oriented, and spectacularly annoying to the White House, here’s a suggestion. Pass serious legislation that forbids any president or vice-president from sitting on corporate boards or any other service-for-hire for a period of four years after leaving office. As we all live longer, we can no longer assume ex-presidents will automatically retire. We forbid members of Congress from quickly becoming lobbyists. We should be likewise concerned about the influence-peddling that a former executive might find profitable. In fact, let’s take it a bit further. Ex-presidents and ex-vice presidents should be required to disclose their tax and portfolio records, as they did while in office, for as long as they wish to receive protection from the Secret Service at taxpayer expense.

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