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Quips, queries, and querulous quibbles from the quirky mind of Don Kahle

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RG 37.2 – timing is everything

September 12th, 2007 by dk

Although tax increment financing prompted both the best comments and the most heated conversations for me around town this past week, I will wait until October to tackle that topic. It’s not quite ripe. I will spend the next couple of weeks getting more fluent in the language of urban renewal districts, so when I do write about it, I’ll be able to avoid all the gobbledygook that usually bogs down the conversation. Besides, since it’s on the November ballot, regular people have permission to not think about it until October.

Not so with the West Broadway Development Commission. Their report will be given to our city council next week Wednesday, so this is a topic that will be on the minds of readers (and voters) for the next week or so. Because of that, I will be writing this week about how the KWG plan in particular will draw out-of-towners (and their money) into Eugene.

Watch for an essay on that topic here on Friday, plus four new ideas for the following week.

{184 – 135 = 49}

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