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Motion Machines Available — Almost Free!

November 20th, 2015 by dk

Although you haven’t read about this in the business pages of your newspaper, there’s a sudden glut of motion machines on the world market. You’re probably familiar with the Roomba, an automated vacuum cleaner. These contraptions are similar, except they are capable of a vast array of other tasks. In fact, they also can be taught to clean carpets.

They have a long track record of paying for themselves in just a few years, but the return on investment now is much faster — in many cases, almost immediate.

The United States has pledged to import ten thousand units in the coming year. Two dozen governors recently announced they won’t welcome them. The governors fear they’ll lack the necessary resources to maintain them after they arrive.

Thankfully, Oregon Governor Kate Brown was not among them. She sees the value and welcomes the opportunity they are certain to bring. With infrastructure in place to increase production capacity, Oregon will benefit from importing these amazing motion machines.

War and internal strife often can disrupt market forces and distort the prices of even the most reliable goods. That’s what’s happening right now in Syria and Cuba and parts of north Africa.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but certain countries are currently giving away these motion machines. Right now, and for only a limited time, savvy nations are importing motion machines for nothing more than the cost of shipping.

The world has only recently begun recognizing that sustainable energy is a competitive advantage, but no system rivals the organic fuel cells built into these wonders. After years and years of small improvements, you can power one of these units with nothing more than sunlight, water, and some simple carbohydrates.

Corn or grain or whatever you have handy will power most units for up to 16 hours a day. They last for decades with much less maintenance than most other machines. In fact, onboard sensors often will catch a problem before it becomes too difficult to fix. And when it comes time to replace one, all the parts are biodegradable.

Imagine — a totally organic, self-sustaining motion machine with state-of-the-art wiring, producing decades of productivity with only minimal maintenance. There must be a catch, right? Well, there is. Units themselves are not for sale, and haven’t been in most of the world for the past 150 years. But that doesn’t mean they’re not available to savvy shoppers.

If you’ve ever driven a Volvo or a BMW, it won’t surprise you to learn that Sweden and Germany know an engineering marvel when they see one. They’ve taken orders for tens of thousands of these babies and they plan to take more.

In what can only be attributed to short-sightedness, skeptics worry that they often arrive with an operating language that isn’t the one that the rest of us are most familiar with, prompting some to insist they be reprogrammed first. This can of course lead to other complications, especially when the new sets don’t match the color of those already in use. Mismatched sets can sometimes clash, but more often the variances produce a rich array of new possibilities.

Indeed, the differences reveal a valuable feature. When unlike units are networked together, they recognize unique strengths among them, assigning tasks and sharing goals that require collective output. In most cases, units will learn from each other, automatically upgrading their operating systems.

Unfortunately for them (and for us), they’ve suffered for decades from poor brand management. People have become wary of them, concerned whether quality control has kept up with increased production rates. They often are referred to as “immigrants” or — even worse — “refugees,” as if their immediate circumstances could ever outweigh the long-term benefits they offer to nations willing to host them.

There will certainly be some that don’t perform as we hope, but when is that not the case? Returning them to where they were manufactured won’t necessarily be easy, because the ravages of war have made returns difficult and sometimes impossible. Each transaction must be considered “as is.”

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