I spent some time looking more closely at the trophies in the case on the first floor, which was deemed by many to be suspicious behavior. To save others any similar embarrassment, here are the winners. In all there were six plaques, 30 trophies, and a football.
From this collection, a few patterns emerge.
1. Unless you count their work on traffic control or for the Easter Seals, the most recently rewarded efforts were in 1980 for trouncing the Eugene Police Department in football and eating the most hamburgers. (The largest trophy in the entire case is the Grand Prize Pig Bowl Hamburger Eating Contest.)
2. 1973 and 1974 were the glory years for gun-handling or marksmanship, though only two of the four winners in the 4-man Team contest (1974) took their trophies home. Whoever these winners were, it’s a safe bet that today, more than 30 years later, they have all retired or otherwise left the force.
3. Sheriff deputies and cops played competitive sports until around 1973, then competed with other people who use guns for a few years, then ate hamburgers for prizes. But since 1980, our law enforcement personnel have nothing to show for their comraderie and competitive spirit. Or if they do, they no longer show it to the public. Twenty-five years without any display of public pride or without any cause for it — either way, a quarter century is a long time.
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