dkSez : : : : : : Don Kahle's blog

Quips, queries, and querulous quibbles from the quirky mind of Don Kahle

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41.2 calm before the storm

October 10th, 2007 by dk

Elections are fast approaching. City Club and League of Women Voters are sponsoring debates. The “chattering class” has begun a-chattering. I’m thinking the next several columns will likely be centered on politics, so this week I’m choosing the least partisan topic possible. I hope I will be able to describe and make relevant the Mennonites’ Fall Festival, happening this Saturday in Albany. That news hook provides the best opportunity for me to out myself as a Mennonite.

I liked best the idea of writing about Peter DeFazio’s power on Capitol Hill, but that story will keep for a year at least. Plus I’m in Washington, D.C. this week, so I can scare up some surprising angles on that one while I’m here.

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